
Configure your body, Hack your brain, and Huge your time

Dinner in the Sky is a unique event meant for anyone who wishes to transform an ordinary meal or meeting into a magical moment that will leave a lasting impression on their guests!

Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, cocktails in the sky, meeting in the sky, internet café in the sky… there is no limit to your imagination.

The Feature :
  • Hosted at a table suspended at a height of 50 metres by a team of professionals. Benji Fun, our partner in this event, is the worldwide leader for this type of activity.
  • Available for a session of 8 hours. It can be divided or personalised according to the client’s wishes.
  • Accommodates up to 22 people around the table at every session with three staff in the middle (chef, waiter, entertainer…). Just to give you an example: this means that, at a rate of 2 sessions per hour, more than 350 people could have access to this exceptional platform, or only 22 if you want an exclusive VIP event.

  • Can be held anywhere (golf course, public place, race track, castle, vineyard, historical site…) as long as there is a surface of approximately 500 m² that can be secured. Of course, authorisation by the owner is required.
  • Included a second crane with a platform (or more if desired) at the same height as the table, for entertainment such as music or presentations (i.e. a car).
The Special :
  • Offers a exceptional visibility for clients thanks to the underneath banner that can be customised with his logotype.

  • Dinner in the Skyis a product developped by Events in the Sky according to 2 Gold Words: Exclusivity and Safety.
The Video :

We do want to provide our clients with the most exclusive experiences ever dreamt in a total safe way. All our concepts are designed according German norm DIN 4112. Products are built in Belgium under control of Rheinland TÜV. This obsession for safety is probably one of the reasons why Dinner in the Sky is now operated in more than 15 countries and got the official authorisations from the toughest countries such as US, Canada, Australia, South-Africa...


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