
Configure your body, Hack your brain, and Huge your time

Becky Oskin, Writer at OurAmazingPlanet

California : Earthquakes have the Midas touch. The flow of water that evaporates during earthquakes has been precipitated gold, according to the model, published in the journal "Nature Geoscience" issue of March 17.
The model shows quantitative mechanisms related to the relationship between gold and quartz are visible in many gold deposits in the world, said Dion Weatherley, a geophysicist from the University of Queensland in Australia and lead author of the study.
When the earthquake occurred, the event moves shards on the ground - called a fault or fracture fault. Faults that can cause a small fractures along the shift, associated with allusions that appear as a square gap. Water frequently lubricate the cracks, filling fractures and allusion.
About 10 kilometers below sea level, temperature and under tremendous pressure, water carrying carbon dioxide, silica and economically attractive elements like gold are highly concentrated.

Shock, Vibration, and Gold

During the earthquake, cracks suddenly wide open. Like taking the lid of the appliance to cook some rice. Water evaporates in the gap, and turn it into steam and forces silica, which form the mineral quartz, and gold come out in liquid form and headed to a nearby surface, said Weatherley and co-author Richard Henley , from the Australian National University in Canberra.
Although scientists have long suspected that the sudden drop in pressure may explain the relationship between the giant gold deposits and ancient fault, the study adapted the idea into more extreme, said Jamie Wilkinson, geochemist at Imperial College London in the UK, who was not involved in the research it.
"To me, it seems pretty reasonable. It is something that people want to make it as a model, both experimentally and numerically," said Wilkinson told OurAmazingPlanet.
Previously, scientists assumed the liquid will effervesce, bubbling like soda bottles are opened, during an earthquake or other pressure changes. The event will fill the bags with gold underground. Other researchers said the minerals will only accumulate slowly over time.
Weatherley said the amount of gold that is left after the earthquake is very small, because the fluid underground at most only carry one part per million of the precious element. But the Alpine Fault earthquake zone like New Zealand, one of the fastest in the world, can build a gold deposit that could be mined in 100 thousand years, he said.
Surprisingly, quartz does not even have time to crystallize, according to the indications of the study. Conversely, minerals out of the liquid in the form of nanoparticles, maybe even make a gel-like substance on the wall fracture. Nanoparticles quartz then crystallized from time to time.
Even earthquake of magnitude smaller than the 4.0 SR, which resulted in vibration but rarely cause damage, can trigger instantaneous evaporation, according to research findings.

These Hills Have Gold

Quartz associated with gold deposition connected with several well-known, such as gold flakes that give rise to raid gold in the 19th century in California and the Klondike. Both sediment eroded from the upstream quartz veins. Gold deposit consists of particles, flakes and lumps are mixed with sand and gravel in streams and riverbeds. The miners gravel traced to its source, that's where the hard rock mining continues to this day.
However, earthquakes are not the only natural events that can be a source of gold. Volcanoes and groundwater flow is also productive, or more productive, to produce precious metals. While Weatherley and Henley stated that the same process can take place under the volcano, Wilkinson, who studies volcanoes connected with gold, saying it was not proven.
"Under the volcano, most of the gold was not deposited within an active fault during the earthquake," said Wilkinson. "It was a very different mechanism."
Understanding how the formation of gold helped the company to define new mining sites. "Recent knowledge on the mechanisms of formation of gold deposits, gold exploration efforts could help in the future," said Weatherley.

See the Video bellow


New York: The central banks of the world are now diversifying their foreign exchange reserves in the country with gold. Noted, gold buying by global central banks reached 534.6 metric tons in 2012 ago.World Gold Council reported gold holdings rose to global formally 31671.4 tonnes in March 2013. Want to know which of the Central Bank which owns the largest gold reserves in the world. Here are 10 countries with gold reserves in the world, as quoted from page Businessinsider, Monday (18/03/2013):

1. United States of America 
Official gold holdings: 8133.5 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 75.6% 
United States has the largest gold reserves volume in 1952, when the reserves reach 20 663 tonnes. Gold holdings fell below the first 10K in 1968.

2. Germany
Official gold holdings: 3391.3 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 72.7%.
Germany to sell gold under the Central Bank Gold Agreement (Central Bank Gold Agreement / CBGA) 1 and 2 for the purpose of warning the gold coinage.CBGA3 the first year (2008-2009), the Bundesbank sold approximately 6 tonnes of gold, and had sold 4.7 tonnes of gold since September 2011.There is no change in the ownership of German gold lately, but the Bundesbank announced in January will return all physical backup in Paris and New York Fed.

3. Italy
Official gold holdings: 2451.8 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 72.2%.
Italy does not sell gold under the CBGA 1 or 2 and has announced no sales under CBGA3.But in 2011, banks in Italy asked the Bank of Italy to buy gold and improve their balance sheets ahead of the stress test.

4. France
Official gold holdings: 2435.4 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 69.2%.
France to sell 572 tonnes of gold under the CBGA 2, and outside France do transfer agreement around 17 tonnes to the Bank for International Settlements around 2004 as part of the purchase of shares of BIS.France announced no plans for the sale of gold reserves under CBGA 3.

5. China
Official gold holdings: 1054.1 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 1.7%.
Gold still contribute a very small percentage of the foreign exchange reserves of China reached U.S. $ 3.2 trillion, compared with the average of other countries in the international reach 10%.Build gold reserves will be very important for China to see the movement of its currency in the world. The country is also hoping to create a reserve currency, according to the Financial Times.

6. Switzerland
Official gold holdings: 1040, 1 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 10.5%.
In 1997, the state announced a proposal sale of part of the gold reserves of the country as it is considered as "necessary for the purpose of monetary policy," according to the World Gold Council.The country has a surplus of about 1,300 tons of gold and start selling it in May 2000. 1170 tons sold under CB GA1, and 130 tons under CBGA2. Switzerland has announced no plans to sell gold under the CBGA 3. 

7. Russia
Official gold holdings: 969.9 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 9.8%.
Russia has built up its gold reserves since 2006 to diversify its foreign exchange reserves, and to help build the ruble as an international reserve currency.In 2012, Russia added 75 tons of its gold reserve holdings, which are mostly purchased from within the country.

8. Japan
Official gold holdings: 765.2 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 3.2%.
Japan's gold reserves in 1950 reached 6 tons. New Central Bank started to increase gold holdings through purchases dramatically in 1959, with purchases increasing by 169 tonnes from the previous year.In 2011, the Bank of Japan sold the country's gold reserves worth 20 trillion yen to boost the economy of the country, in order to calm investors after the tsunami and nuclear disaster.

9. Netherlands
Official gold holdings: 612.5 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 59.2%.
Back in 1999, under CBGA1 Netherlands announced that it would sell 300 tonnes of gold over the next five years, but only managed to sell 235 tons.Under CBGA2 (2004/2005 to 2008/2009), the country said it will sell a total of 165 tons (including 65 tons left over from CBGA1), and announced no sales under CBGA3 (from 2008/2009-2013/2014).
10. India
Official gold holdings: 557.7 tons.
The percentage of gold in reserves: 9.9%.
Reserve Bank of India known buy International Monetary Fund (IMF) and consider gold as a safe investment, but the country is very rarely give announces plans to buy gold.Meanwhile, the government has been trying to prevent people from buying precious metals. This was done because it makes India's gold imports assessed deficit

1. Diabetes tipe-2: 
Usia paling rentan: 40 hingga 50-an tahun.
Bisa terkena sejak: Saat usia anak-anak.

Berbeda dari diabetes tipe 1 yang merupakan kondisi bawaan sejak lahir, diabetes tipe 2 jauh lebih memungkinkan untuk dicegah. Kuncinya hanya 2, yakni pola makan seimbang dan rendah kalori serta aktivitas fisik yang juga seimbang dengan asupan kalorinya.
2. Melanoma (Kanker Kulit) : 
Usia paling rentan: 50-an tahun ke atas.
Bisa terkena sejak: Usia remaja akhir ataupun usia 20-an awal.

Melanoma adalah sejenis kanker kulit yang bisa dihindari dengan tidak terlalu sering berjemur antara pukul 10 pagi hingga 2 siang tanpa menggunakan tabir surya atau Sun Protecting Factor (SPF). SPF-30 lebih disarankan, namun SPF-15 dianggap sudah cukup memberikan perlindungan.
3. Kanker Payudara:
Usia paling rentan: 45 tahun ke atas.
Bisa kena sejak: Usia remaja.

Olahraga teratur, menjaga berat badan tetap ideal, membatasi alkohol agar tidak berlebihan dan menghindari rokok bisa menurunkan risiko kanker payudara. Karena penyebab pastinya tidak diketahui, maka deteksi dini paling penting dilakukan dengan sering-sering meraba adanya benjolan.
4. Stroke: 
Usia paling rentan: Usia 65 tahun.
Bisa terkena sejak: Usia 20 hingga 30-an tahun.

Lagi-lagi rokok termasuk faktor risiko pada serangan stroke di usia muda. Untuk mencegahnya, hidari rokok dan makan berlemak maupun bergaram, serta perbanyak konsumsi ikan yang banyak mengandung asam lemak omega 3. Asam lemak ini baik untuk jantung dan pembuluh darah. 
5. Asam urat (Gout): 
Usia paling rentan: Usia 50 hingga 60-an tahun
Bisa terkena sejak: Usia 30-an tahun.

Obesitas dan konsumsi alkohol merupakan faktor risiko utama serangan gout di usia muda, sehingga berat badan perlu dikontrol jika tidak ingin mengalaminya. Namun perlu diingat, diet ekstrem yang berdampak pada penurunan berat badan secara singkat dan dramatis juga bisa meningkatkan risiko pengkristalan asam urat. 

6. Alzheimer: 
Usia paling rentan: Usia 65 tahun ke atas.
Bisa terkena sejak: Usia 40-an tahun.

Alzheimer adalah kepikunan yang susah dilawan karena merupakan efek proses penuaan. Hal yang bisa dilakukan untuk memperlambat kemunculannya, misalnya dengan rajin mengisi teka-teki silang, belajar bahasa asing dan juga bermain musik. 
7. Osteoporosis: 
Usia paling rentan: Usia 65 tahun ke atas.
Bisa terkena sejak: Usia 50-an tahun.

Osteoporosis atau pengeroposan tulang bisa dicegah dengan memperbanyak asupan kalsium dan vitamin D, serta menghindari rokok. Olahraga teratur juga penting, sehingga otot mampu  menopang berat badan.


Sources :

Let's investigate the daily activity.

Dating :
1. Awakened from a sleep.
2. Go to College or Campus.
3. After the Lecture is done, make the appointment
with your girlfriend or boyfriend.
4. Having fun with your girlfriend 
or boyfriend all of day.
5. Very happy and got many romantic words.

So we know that the activity above is for dating man or women.
Now see the singles do :

Singles :
Now you must read number 2, 3, 4, 5, and the last be the number 1.

What your command about this Fact??  :D

Many thanks for sonmunandars from Kaskus.Com

Dinner in the Sky is a unique event meant for anyone who wishes to transform an ordinary meal or meeting into a magical moment that will leave a lasting impression on their guests!

Breakfast in the sky, lunch in the sky, cocktails in the sky, meeting in the sky, internet café in the sky… there is no limit to your imagination.

The Feature :
  • Hosted at a table suspended at a height of 50 metres by a team of professionals. Benji Fun, our partner in this event, is the worldwide leader for this type of activity.
  • Available for a session of 8 hours. It can be divided or personalised according to the client’s wishes.
  • Accommodates up to 22 people around the table at every session with three staff in the middle (chef, waiter, entertainer…). Just to give you an example: this means that, at a rate of 2 sessions per hour, more than 350 people could have access to this exceptional platform, or only 22 if you want an exclusive VIP event.

  • Can be held anywhere (golf course, public place, race track, castle, vineyard, historical site…) as long as there is a surface of approximately 500 m² that can be secured. Of course, authorisation by the owner is required.
  • Included a second crane with a platform (or more if desired) at the same height as the table, for entertainment such as music or presentations (i.e. a car).
The Special :
  • Offers a exceptional visibility for clients thanks to the underneath banner that can be customised with his logotype.

  • Dinner in the Skyis a product developped by Events in the Sky according to 2 Gold Words: Exclusivity and Safety.
The Video :

We do want to provide our clients with the most exclusive experiences ever dreamt in a total safe way. All our concepts are designed according German norm DIN 4112. Products are built in Belgium under control of Rheinland TÜV. This obsession for safety is probably one of the reasons why Dinner in the Sky is now operated in more than 15 countries and got the official authorisations from the toughest countries such as US, Canada, Australia, South-Africa...

Life is Beautiful Part 1

Beberapa file-file notepad di komputer mulai ku hapus satu persatu hari ini, ada sebuah tulisan puisi di sebuah file yang sayang untuk dihapus. Terima kasih buat sang penulis yang mau membagi-bagikan puisinya. Ini saya sampaikan dan sebar luaskan lagi

Chapter 1 : Memaknai dan Menghargai Hidup Ini

Jika anda sedang benar, jangan terlalu berani dan
bila anda sedang takut, jangan terlalu takut.
Karena keseimbangan sikap adalah penentu
ketepatan perjalanan kesuksesan anda

Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita
adalah untuk mencoba, karena didalam mencoba
itulah kita menemukan dan belajar membangun
kesempatan untuk berhasil

Anda hanya dekat dengan mereka yang anda
sukai. Dan seringkali anda menghindari orang
yang tidak tidak anda sukai, padahal dari dialah
Anda akan mengenal sudut pandang yang baru

Orang-orang yang berhenti belajar akan menjadi
pemilik masa lalu. Orang-orang yang masih terus
belajar, akan menjadi pemilik masa depan

Tinggalkanlah kesenangan yang menghalangi
pencapaian kecemerlangan hidup yang di
idamkan. Dan berhati-hatilah, karena beberapa
kesenangan adalah cara gembira menuju

Jangan menolak perubahan hanya karena anda
takut kehilangan yang telah dimiliki, karena
dengannya anda merendahkan nilai yang bisa
anda capai melalui perubahan itu

Anda tidak akan berhasil menjadi pribadi baru bila
anda berkeras untuk mempertahankan cara-cara
lama anda. Anda akan disebut baru, hanya bila
cara-cara anda baru

Ketepatan sikap adalah dasar semua ketepatan.
Tidak ada penghalang keberhasilan bila sikap
anda tepat, dan tidak ada yang bisa menolong
bila sikap anda salah

Orang lanjut usia yang berorientasi pada
kesempatan adalah orang muda yang tidak
pernah menua ; tetapi pemuda yang berorientasi
pada keamanan, telah menua sejak muda

Hanya orang takut yang bisa berani, karena
keberanian adalah melakukan sesuatu yang
ditakutinya. Maka, bila merasa takut, anda akan
punya kesempatan untuk bersikap berani

Kekuatan terbesar yang mampu mengalahkan
stress adalah kemampuan memilih pikiran yang
tepat. Anda akan menjadi lebih damai bila yang
anda pikirkan adalah jalan keluar masalah.

Jangan pernah merobohkan pagar tanpa mengetahui
mengapa didirikan. Jangan pernah mengabaikan
tuntunan kebaikan tanpa mengetahui keburukan
yang kemudian anda dapat

Seseorang yang menolak memperbarui cara-cara
kerjanya yang tidak lagi menghasilkan, berlaku
seperti orang yang terus memeras jerami untuk
mendapatkan santan

Bila anda belum menemukan pekerjaan yang sesuai
dengan bakat anda, bakatilah apapun pekerjaan
anda sekarang. Anda akan tampil secemerlang
yang berbakat

Kita lebih menghormati orang miskin yang berani
daripada orang kaya yang penakut. Karena
sebetulnya telah jelas perbedaan kualitas masa
depan yang akan mereka capai

Jika kita hanya mengerjakan yang sudah kita
ketahui, kapankah kita akan mendapat
pengetahuan yang baru ? Melakukan yang belum
kita ketahui adalah pintu menuju pengetahuan

Jangan hanya menghindari yang tidak mungkin.
Dengan mencoba sesuatu yang tidak
mungkin,anda akan bisa mencapai yang terbaik
dari yang mungkin anda capai.

Salah satu pengkerdilan terkejam dalam hidup
adalah membiarkan pikiran yang cemerlang
menjadi budak bagi tubuh yang malas, yang
mendahulukan istirahat sebelum lelah.

Bila anda mencari uang, anda akan dipaksa
mengupayakan pelayanan yang terbaik.
Tetapi jika anda mengutamakan pelayanan yang
baik, maka andalah yang akan dicari uang

Waktu ,mengubah semua hal, kecuali kita. Kita
mungkin menua dengan berjalanannya waktu,
tetapi belum tentu membijak. Kita-lah yang harus
mengubah diri kita sendiri

Semua waktu adalah waktu yang tepat untuk
melakukan sesuatu yang baik. Jangan menjadi
orang tua yang masih melakukan sesuatu yang
seharusnya dilakukan saat muda.

Tidak ada harga atas waktu, tapi waktu sangat
berharga. Memilik waktu tidak menjadikan kita
kaya, tetapi menggunakannya dengan baik
adalah sumber dari semua kekayaan

Tertanda : Penulis Puisi Notepad tak Bernama.

A. About The Scholarship 
The Singapore Scholarship was announced by then Prime Minister of Singapore Mr Goh Chok Tong at the 6th ASEAN Summit in December 1998.

The Scholarship is awarded to students from the other ASEAN member countries and tenable for a full-time undergraduate degree course at one of the three universities in Singapore. All disciplines except for Medicine, Dentistry, Architecture and Law are open to Scholars. The duration of each Scholarship is for three or four years, depending on the discipline.

The award is based on academic merit and places will be allocated by open competition. If necessary, a one-year bridging or foundation programme, in addition to the undergraduate studies, will be provided.

There is no bond imposed on the Scholarship by the Singapore Government. The Scholars are expected to return home to contribute to the development of their countries upon graduation.

Application Periods
Applicants from Brunei & Malaysia should submit their applications as soon as their results for the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level or Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) are released in February/March 2013.  The application period for the AY2013/2014 Singapore Scholarship are as follows:
  • ASEAN countries (except Brunei and Malaysia):  9 January to 5 February 2013 
  • Brunei:                 25 February to 22 March 2013
  • Malaysia:             4 to 29 March 2013 
B. Eligibility
Citizens of ASEAN member countries (except Singapore) are eligible to apply for the Singapore Scholarship.

Candidates must have an outstanding academic record, a good command of English and meet the entry requirements for NTU, NUS and SMU. The Singapore Scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis on academic merit.

Brunei Darussalam

  • completed General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a pass in English and 3 other ‘A’ level subjects within the last 3 years

  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a Cambodian university

  • currently undergoing 1st year of undergraduate studies in an Indonesian university 
  • pass the Indonesia SMU Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) with good academic results within the last 3 years
  • Grade 12 students taking Indonesian SMU UAN in following year
Laos People's Democratic Republic

  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a Laotian university

  • completed any of the following examinations within the last 3 years:

    i)   Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
    ii)  General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a pass in English and 4 other 'A' level subjects
    iii)  Unified Examination Certification (UEC)

  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a Myanmar university

  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a Filipino university

  • passed the Thai Mathayom 6 examinations with good results
  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a Vietnamese university
  • Grade 12 students taking Vietnam Graduation High School exams in the following year
C. The Scholarship Offered
  • The Singapore Scholarship is tenable for the minimum period required to obtain the respective degrees at Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore or Singapore Management University. It covers full tuition fees and a living allowance of S$4,300 (covering meals, transport, textbooks and course materials during school semester) per academic year. In addition, a separate full accommodation allowance based on the room rates at each university or designated hostel will be provided during school semester.
  • One return economy class air ticket is provided for the Scholar’s passage from his/her home country to Singapore for the duration of studies determined by the Singapore Government. No additional assistance will be provided for other travel expenses.
  • A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without the prior approval of the Singapore Government.
  • There is no bond imposed on the Scholarship by the Singapore Government. The Scholars are expected to return home to contribute to the development of their countries upon graduation.
  • The scholarship is open to applicants who have not gained admission and are currently not studying at the Singapore Universities.
  • The Singapore Government reserves the right to terminate the Scholarship if the Scholar’s academic progress is unsatisfactory or his conduct is in violation of the university's rules and regulations.
 D. The Scholarship Procedure
Application for the Singapore Scholarship must be submitted on the prescribed application form (The application form and supporting documents must be of A4 size and printed on one side only). Please contact the Singapore Embassy/ High Commission/Consulate-General in your capital city for a copy of the Singapore Scholarship brochure and application form. You may click here for a softcopy of the application form for AY 13/14.
Applicants will be required to submit a typed-written essay of about 300-500 words. The essay is an important part of your application.
All supporting documents have to be attached. Those supporting documents that are not in English must have a certified translation in English. Translation and certification of transcripts and academic records have to be done by your educational institutions.
Applications must be endorsed and submitted by their respective ASEAN Governments. The relevant agencies to endorse the application are:

Brunei Darussalam
Technical Assistance Division
Ministry Foreign Affairs and Trade
Jalan Subok
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 673-2261177
Fax: 673-2230903

HE Dr Phoeurng Sackona
Secretary of State
(in charge of Youth and Sport Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department)
Ministry of Education
Youth & Sport
Kingdom of Cambodia
Mobile: (855) 12 618 499
Fax: (855) 23 427 235

Ibu Indah
Bureau of Foreign Co-operation
Ministry of National Education
Gedung C, Lantai 6
Jl Jend. Sudirman
Senayan, Jakarta
Tel : 6221- 5795 3083
Fax : 6221- 574 6395

Lao People's Democratic Republic
Ms Chanthavone Phandamnong
Director General
Department of External Relations
Ministry of Education
Lanexang Avenue
P.O. Box 067
Vientiane Capital, Lao PDR
Tel: 856-21-212120


Public Service Department, Training Division OR Respective schools of the applicants


Daw Than Than Lin
Foreign Economic Relations Department
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development
Building No. (1)
Nay Pyi Taw
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
TeL: 95-067407342
Fax: 95-067407027

Ms Peach Vergara
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
505 Rizal Drive Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Republic of the Philippines
Tel : 632-856 9922 loc 104


Ms Komutee Yamolanan
Foreign Relation Officer
Bureau of International Cooperation
Office of the Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education
Ratchadamnoen Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10300
Tel : 02-281 6370 ext 115
Fax: 02-281 0953
Email :
The Thailand Ministry of Education (MOE) has advised that all applicants should submit their application forms by 21 January 2013.  For further queries, please contact Thailand MOE.

Dr Nguyen Xuan Vang
Director General
Vietnam International Education Development
Ministry of Education and Training
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
21 Le Thanh Tong Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-3933 5795
Fax: 84-4-3933 5491
Late and incomplete applications will not be considered. Documents submitted separately from applications will also not be considered.
Please also note that most shortlisted nominees will  take the entrance examinations set by NTU or NUS. All shortlisted nominees will also have to undergo an interview conducted by interviewers from NTU , NUS and SMU. The entrance examinations and interviews will be conducted in the respective ASEAN countries.
The decision of the Singapore Government on the selection of Singapore Scholarship recipients is final.
You may download the application form for AY 13/14 here.
For more information, write to:

Singapore Scholarship
c/o Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Singapore 248 163
Tel: (65) 6379 8000
Fax: (65) 6479 3357

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